Feedback from the experts panel of group n° 020

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Expert Feedback , We have contacted several experts (NGOs , expert in communications , expert on HIV/AIDS in South Africa). We have had answers from two of them. We are still in talks with them in order to have further feedback

Debbie Heustice : Director of info4africa

Mail one

Dear Mrs Heustice,

We are group of 7 Students of SKEMA Business school (Sophia Antipolis – France) and we are currently working on a project that will be published on Oslantis. In a nutshell, Oslantis is a crowdsourcing website where you post a challenge and where volunteers help you find a solution to the said challenge (

Our project is to develop a new communication process about the issue of HIV/AIDS in South African townships (more precisely in Kwazulu-Natal). In order to go ahead with our idea, we need to establish a list of criteria say whether the various solutions submitted are acceptable.

To do so, we would really need some feedback from experts with relevant experience. We have taken a look at your profile and your help would be welcome in order for us to successfully set up our challenge. Any input would be a great help.

You can see attached a copy of our idea proposal and the list of criteria.

If you have any questions, please do no hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time We look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards Bassan Camille

SKEMA business school Email : Phone number: +33 6 68 47 81 23

Mail 2

Hi Camille

I am not a communications expert but I do like your ideas. How should I give you feedback? Do you need me to answer questions on specific areas of what you propose?

For now, I suggest you proof read it for that all references to HIV/AIDS are in a consistent format. It should not be written AIDS/HIV!!


Debbie Heustice Director: info4africa School of Applied Human Sciences College of Humanities University of KwaZulu-Natal C: 082 909 7886 | 071 624 2255 T: 031 260 2975 F: 086 629 1850 E:

info4africa specialises in data collection and quality assurance of health, wellbeing and socio-economic development data. Like us on facebook For copies of our directories or to search the database visit

Mail 3

Hello Debbie ,

Thank you very much for your answer. We are sorry for the mistake we will update our file immediately. We would be grateful if you could give us some feedback about our criteria (in the updated attached file). If you have any other insight or suggestions , we would be grateful to hear about them. I am also leaving you the link to our Facebook page and our website if you are interested. Please do not hesitate to share our Facebook page ( and website ( . Please do not hesitate to share it with people who might be interested.

Thank so for your help do not hesitate to contact me Kind regards, Camille Bassan

Mail 4

Great - thanks Camille and thank you too for liking our info4africa facebook page. We really do want to increase the visibility of this page so all likes help!

Mail 5


We would just have some questions for you :

Can we put your name and your association's name on our crowdfunding website (as expert). That would give us some credibility and would promote your social media pages. We were thinking of raising around €1500 for our project that is 22 848,44 rands. Do you think it would be enough for a campaign in townships? We are asking you because we don't really know the level of life in South Africa Kind regards, Bassan Camille Chat Conversation End

Colin Chasi , author of : HIV/AIDS communication in South Africa : Are you human ?

Mail 1

Dear Sir Colin Chasi,

We are group of 7 Students of SKEMA Business school (Sophia Antipolis – France) and we are currently working on a project that will be published on Oslantis. In a nutshell, Oslantis is a crowdsourcing website where you post a challenge and where volunteers help you find a solution to the said challenge (

Our project is to develop a new communication process about the issue of HIV/AIDS in South African townships (more precisely in Kwazulu-Natal). In order to go ahead with our idea, we need to establish a list of criteria say whether the various solutions submitted are acceptable.

To do so, we would really need some feedback from experts with relevant experience. We have taken a look at your profile and your help would be welcome in order for us to successfully set up our challenge. Any input would be a great help.

You can see attached a copy of our idea proposal and the list of criteria.

If you have any questions, please do no hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time We look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards Bassan Camille

SKEMA business school Email : Phone number: +33 6 68 47 81 23

Mail 2

Dear Camille

This is an interesting idea.

I think the key things to realise are that 1. HIV/AIDS indicates an existential crisis that expresses the human experience of many who live a. where there is a history of discrimination, marginalisation b. and survive amidst ongoing poverty and structural and cultural violence. 2. there is need to address this existential crisis a. by showing recognition and respect for those whose being and experiences have been denied b. in ways that enable the lived needs of otherwise denied and marginalised people to be addressed 3. it is strange to talk of making people have normal lives and normal sex in abnormal conditions a. it is therefore necessary to ask how communication can be used to re-shape and overcome colonial and apartheid legacies b. thereby establishing the kinds of equitable and just conditions in which all can be the most that they can be.

I hope this helps

Kindest regards


Mail 3

Dear Mr Colin,

Thank you so much for your answer. We were able to have real insights in order to modify our criteria. We would just have a few additional questions:

Can we put your name and your association's name on our crowdfunding website (as expert). That would give us some credibility. We were thinking of raising around €1500 for our project that is 22 848,44 rands. Do you think it would be enough for a campaign in townships? We are asking you because we don't really know the level of life in South Africa. Would you like us to contact you once we find the solution, to have some feedback and see if it can be improved.

Kind regards, Bassan Camille

Mail 5

Dear Camille

I unfortunately would prefer to not be involved publicly as that is a development over which I have limited knowledge and input.

As for an intervention: 1. Often millions are spent on making significant interventions. 2. While trying to assist, there is a possibility of causing harm by communicating on matters that cut so deep.

Kindest regards


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