First assignment of group n° 071

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Jeanne DEMBSKI (The campaign manager and strategist)

Book :

  • Ondes électromagnétiques au quotidien - Thierry GAUTIER - 2013


Laura DOMINICI (The celebrity)

Book :

  • Sempels, C. et Hoffmann, J. (2012), Les business models du futur : créer de la valeur dans un monde aux ressources limitées, Pearson France.


Florian CHANY (The expert)

Book :

  • "Se proteger de la pollution electromagnétique", Marcel Guedj, 2011


Pauline CESAR (The graphic design lead)

Book :

  • ABC des ondes électromagnétiques - Broché – 2 septembre 2009


Cécile CORDIER (The technology manager)

Book :

  • Sempels, C. and Hoffmann, J. (2014), Sustainable Innovation Strategy, Palgrave Mac-Millan


Marine GAMOT (The public relation manager)

Book :

  • Rifkin, J. (2013), The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World, St. Martin's Griffin



Jules CHRISTOLOMME (The super-connector)

Book :

  • Réduire son exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques Co-réalisé par Sano solution


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Waves around you

First description of our project's idea
For several decades, distribution of wireless devices has considerably accelerated. We already know the misdeeds of the waves on human being, vegetables, as well as animals. The new generetion use more and more new technologies. But are they harmless? Are the electromagnetics waves only negative for vegetables? What is the electroculture ?

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
The problem we want to solve concerns the electromagnetic waves and their consequences on biosphere and human health. Indeed, we’ve learned thanks to articles and researches that this problem is not « solved » yet, and that society is still wondering if those waves are really causing the diseases we are linking to it, as brain tumor, tachycardia, etc. Also, we count more than 150 000 relay mast in France today and it won’t stop increase since we are just at the beginning of the new technologies era. Then, this problem is the one we want to look into in depth, since electrohypersensitivity is an issue we should take into account, considering the fact that radio-frequencies are permanently growing nowadays with the arrival of 4G and other new technologies which require electromagnetic waves. Futhermore, we need to think about the faune, because there isn’t just human health but also the fauna health. Indeed, animals suffers of it: for instance there is a negative issue for bees. There is also plants which are hit by electromagnetic. Actually all the planet: humans, animals, plants have problems with electromagnetic waves.

2. Why does this problem exist?
Nowadays, innovation and technologies are at the heart of our society and of our ways of life. Business, everyday life, researches, every domains require innovations and the setting up of mechanisms containing radio-frequencies. It’s simple, we can see more and more electronics tools in our daily life. It began with the appearance of the smartphones and their continual innovation, for example the bluetooth, 3G, then 4G, WIFI ect... That’s why people are more and more exposed to electromagnetic waves and that’s why we are all considering the fact that this could be the cause of numerous diseases. The continuous progress of our generation extend the human exposition and the chances of an important impact.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating? We know that Y generation (children born during the 90’s) is the first generation who live all its life with electromagnetic wave. Therefore it is this generation who will be hit soon. Indeed, when the Y generation will be 50/ 60 years old we think that we will begin to see the first effects of elentromagnetic waves. So, we want to protect our generation and the future’s, that’s why we focus on this project. Since we are aware that the problem is not quite defined, the breakthrough we want to create would mainly concern a prevention and an anticipation of it. A lot of articles are explaining that there’s no real proof of the impact of electromagnetic waves on the human life, but a lot of doubts are pointed. Then, we want to stand in the way of those waves, and we have the ambition to propose an alternative to avoid potential bad effects of radio-frequencies.

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