First assignment of group n° 072
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Since oil powered vehicles generate CO2 emmissions and represent the major cause of Global warming issue , electricity seems like a sustainable alternative resource , and represents a sustainable alternative for fossil fuels.
Nowadays, our world is facing a huge threat related to energy shortage, thus leading to a potential global energy crisis. This is considered one of the main issues we are struggling to find solutions to. There is not a single country on this planet that is spared from this problem, hence the international importance of the issue. Energy has become, ever since its invention, an unavoidable part of our life, with it being involved not only in our daily activities, but also in every industry today. As a consequence, we want to solve the issue of accessibility of energy to electric cars.
2. Why does this problem exist?
As people and companies understood that there will be in a short term a lack of fossil energy, they have to replace by the renewable energy. Nowadays, we can talk about « ecologic fashion ». This fashion can be seen in all the aspects of our life such as work, sport, food and mobility. Studies shown that there are more and more electric cars in the world. For instance in 2011, 2600 electric cars were sold in France whereas 10500 electric cars were sold in 2014. But there is an important lack of reloading station. For people living in the center of the city it’s almost impossible to reload a car because they don't have access to an electric plug.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
We want to solve the problem of accessibility to electric plugs for electric cars. As you know, the cost of electric plugs is estimated between 12 000 and 30 000 euros and are only manufactured by two major corporations : Tesla and Nissan. The lack of rivalry explains their high cost. We want to create a brand new electric plug for electric cars. During the cycle of development and conception our main focus will be oriented toward lowering the cost of production. In the development and the conception, our plug in is going to be 10 times cheaper and much performant and we will try also to make it a little bit quicker. For instance , if we take the example of Lille (center) , we know that there are today approximately 20 electric plugs whereas the population there is about 1 million people , and there is around 500 persons having electric cars, that to say that the number of those plugs is low and by far inadequate. Also , we have to say that the market of electric cars is going to be higher and higher in the future years, as some statistics say that today , there is 1% of the whole cars sold which are electric cars in the european union , whereas there will be 30% in 2030. All this to say that our project will be supported by a very growing market.
Potential experts already identified
-Execen :
The group EXECEN,is a specialist in the saving of energy towards customers.
-Virage energie nord pas de calais
Virage-énergie Nord-Pas de Calais is an association which communicates and debates on some ideas and alternatives concerning the nuclear energy and the fossil fuels which are responsible of the climate change.
-Point Diag :
Services : • Diagnosis on electricity and gas • Energetic performance • energy audit • Thermography • advices on saving energy
-IDTTechEx :
The expert , Peter Harrop ,is the founder and the president of IDTechEx firm analysis which is specialized in emerging technologies and in particular the renewable energies .Having a doctorate in electrical engineering, Peter Harrop has written many books and done many studies concerning the energy saving.
-Enertime :
Enertime proposes some innovative energetic solutions based on thermodynamics so as to improve the energetic effectiveness and the production of heat and electricity from renewable energies.
It gives some technical information on heating, air conditioning, renewable energies and some advices and solutions so as to improve the energetic performance.