First assignment of group n° 104

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Video 1 : Why I invented the wind-up radio: Trevor Baylis OBE
  • Video 2 : South Africa’s Eskom Struggles to Provide Electricity
  • Video 3 : The use of simple technology in Africa: Trevor Baylis OBE, inventor of the wind-up radio

Book : Energy Technology Perspectives 2012: Pathways to a Clean Energy System


  • Article 1 : Windupradio: About TREVOR BAYLIS, the inventor of the windup technology
  • Article 2 : The guardian: Shaking off the energy crisis: how far can kinetic deliver on its promises?
  • Article 3 : GE Reports: Youth Lighting The Way In Africa
  • Article 4 : Tony Blair: Access to electricity is the single most vital precondition for success in African nations
  • Article 5 : The newyork forum africa: POWER TO THE MASSES: AFFORDABLE ACCESS FOR ALL
Mélisande LEBLANC
  • Video 1 : Inventer un modèle énergétique plus positif - Bruno Rebelle
  • Video 2 : Un usage révolutionnaire de l'énergie domestique - Gilles Vermot Desroches
  • Video 3 : Et si nous consommions une énergie 100% verte ? - Patrick Behm

Book : Le développement durable - Libaert, Thierry, Guérin, André-Jean Edition Dunod 2008


  • Article 1 : L'accès durable à l'énergie, programme Bip Bop - Shneider Electric
  • Article 2 : Energy for sustainable development - Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
  • Article 3 : Les énergies renouvelables en Afrique : une réelle opportunité et un défi - Actu Environnement
  • Article 4 : Clean energy Mini-grids - Sustainable Energy For All
  • Article 5 : Quels sont les dangers du nucléaire - L'express
  • Video 1 : Renewable Energy Science National Geographic Documentary Discovery Channel Full New
  • Video 2 : Sommet Mondial sur le Développement Durable : discours de la République du Cameroun
  • Video 3 : Afrique: l'enjeu de l'electrification-2015

Book : De la boucle du Niger au pays Dogon- chroniques africaine Christine et Alexandre Coullet-Arven


  • Article 1 : Agora Energy" récupère l'énergie motrice des foules- L'express
  • Article 2 : L'Afrique et l'enjeu de l'électricité- 7 avril 2015 - actu ufe-electricité.fr
  • Article 3 : L'électricité au coeur des défis africain-Christine Heuraux
  • Article 4 : L'énergie pour toute l'Afrique : le pari fou de Borloo-14/02/15- L'OBS
  • Article 5 : Quels enjeux et opportunités pour un développement durable en Afrique de l’Ouest-
  • Video 1 : How to stop them from sucking electricity - Energy Vampires
  • Video 2 : Africa Electricity - TV2 Africa
  • Video 3 : Electric Energy Consumption - Audiopedia

Book : Renewable Energy Resources - John Twidell & Tony Weir


  • Article 1 : We must learn to limit our excessive consumption – The Observer 30/11/2014
  • Article 2 : Power Africa - McKinsey
  • Article 3 : In Africa, entrepreneurs are key to off-grid electricity innovation - By David Wogan
  • Article 4 : Energy consumption to grow 225% in 40 years, study predicts – United press International
  • Article 5 : World energy use to jump 56% by 2040, study says - By Catherine Green
  • Video 1 : Latitude Responsable - India 2/3 : Freeplay - Devin Narang
  • Video 2 : Les Barbares attaquent l'énergie !
  • Video 3 : Latitude Responsable - India 3/3 : D.light design

Book : L'efficacité énergétique à travers le monde : sur le chemin de la transition - Les Cahiers de Global Chance n°32


  • Article 1 : Chiffres clés des énergies renouvelables 2014 - Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Énergie
  • Article 2 : Près de 600 millions d'Africains vivent sans électricité - AFP - Libération 19/05/2014
  • Article 3 : The IEA Electricity Security Action Plan - Laszlo Varro
  • Article 4 : Consommation électrique : plus on est averti, moins on consomme - CNRS 5/09/2015
  • Article 5 : Les Objectifs de développement des Nations unies n’ont pas permis à l’Afrique de sortir de la pauvreté - Raoul Mbog - Le Monde 1/10/2015
Siwei YING
  • Video 1 : S Africa electricity price rise to hit poor hardest
  • Video 2 : Africa Speaks: 3 Kenyan girls produce Tomato Electricity
  • Video 3 : South Africa 2016

Book : Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World


  • Article 1 : Africa’s Electricity Divide And Poverty - The Globalist
  • Article 2 : Who is to pay for South Africa’s electricity? - Le Monde diplomatique
  • Article 3 : Power & Electricity World Africa 2016 - Terrapinn
  • Article 4 : African Energy Consultancy - African Energy
  • Article 5 : Tewari begins the Energy Revolution - Blog

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

No more consumption warnings: end of the energy vampire!

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Consumption of energy: environmental Each year, each one of us consumes a high amount of energy, and that starts affecting our environment. Many issues arise from the use of energy, we participate thus without knowing to the worsening of the greenhouse effect and climate consequences, depletion of non-renewable reserves and others … Becoming aware of that critical problem is an essential step to go further in order to limit the impacts.

No access to electricity in Africa (600 Million people): social Electricity or lack of access to energy in Africa is an obstacle and a major problem of economic growth that for example forces their children to learn under the lighting of a candle and so put an end to their dreams by depriving them using electronic toys ... like most of the world's children. Example: Trevor Braham Baymis, an English inventor has wondered why the “AIDS” is a disease spread in Africa, it has turned out that this is due to lack of communication (radios…) because electricity was not available. So he decided to invent a wind up radio which is powered by the user winding a crank for several seconds, all that is done in response to the need to communicate information about AIDS to the people of Africa.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Why there is a high consumption of energy? - High demand: In the coming years the growing world population and increasing per capital income should lead to an increase in primary energy demand and thus growing in energy needs. - Poor knowledge: Many solutions are proposed in order to reduce energy consumption, but people are not aware and have a vague knowledge about them. - Laziness

Why there is no access to electricity in Africa ? - Poor distribution and use of wealth: unexploited natural resources - The dictatorship: Their governments do not provide them with even the most essential of services such as clean drinking water, medical care, education… - Lack of infrastructure: good infrastructure are only around the capitals while villages are totally neglected because develop electricity in those village is too expensive, or not profitable or simply inaccessible.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Our project is aimed to reduce the overuse of energy through consumer’s consumption. In order to improve the use of energy within costumers, we're committing to look for other alternatives to enlarge the source of energy. For instance, kinetic energy can be viewed as a very important and powerful source of energy that can be generated through many physical and technical actions to provide energy for consumers use in their daily life. This alternative can create a vast opportunity to benefit from energy easily. Our vision through this project is to cut off the overuse and excessive consumption of energy within customers and also emphasize the importance of other energy sources through many other energy generators that already exist or can be created to add value to all users.

Potential experts already identified

→ Bruno Rebelle, Director of Transitions and Former Executive Director at Greenpeace. He is aware of the urgency of the problem and especially the difficulty of establishing an energy transition because people are afraid to give up the old system and their marks. Convinced that a commitment of all players can save between 20 and 25 billion euros to the French state it can be very productive to present him our project. Likelihood : 7/10

→ Pierre-Louis Corteel. Founder of Latitude Responsable. After one year of reports all around the world in companies developing and selling products and services useful to poor population, Pierre-Louis Corteel will be able to analyse and advise us on our project to find a potential solution. Likelihood : 8/10

→ Abel Didier Tella- CEO of the Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA). Benin-born Mr. Tella is an electrical engineer by training, holding a Master's in that field as well as a diploma of specialized graduate studies in renewable energies. His organization boasts 56 active members in 45 African countries as well as 20 affiliated members and associates throughout Africa and Europe. Mr. Tella had previously worked 25 years at the Société Béninoise d'Énergie Électrique (SBEE), from 1983 to 2008. He has supervised both the creation and implementation of several rural electrification programs. So with his experience and his position status of this field, he can give us a very useful advice and help us to move on our projet. Likelihood : 5/10

→ Steffen Roth. He a an Assistant professor of Management and Organization at the ESC Rennes school of business France teaching « Entrepreneurship » as main course. His research fields include organizational theory, functional differentiation, organization identity and idéation and crowdsourcing. Likelihood : 8/10

→ Dr. Tanguy Jacopin. He a stratégique consultant with Forbes 2000 companies in BRIC markets. Also, he is a managent director of Global warm company and assistant professor in International University of Rabat teaching « Developpement Durable » as main course. Likelihood : 7/10

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