Video from group n° 006
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The topic we have decided to explore is the following : SAFE and INDEPENDENT BIKING
With the fast development of cities around the world and the general phenomenon of globalization, there was an explosion of means of transport more than ever before. Focusing on the bikers' and bike users' target, the problem most faced in the cities today deals with their bikes' safety and parking. To solve this issue should mean to incentivize the urban sustainability.
Our video
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Our paper
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In an article published few months ago (ParisMatch (2015) n°3465), it explains that many new means of transport are becoming increasingly popular. For example, 77,500 electric bicycles, 7,000 electric scooters, 1,000 electric skateboards and 6,500 monowheels have been sold in 2014.
As we previously said in the video, bike-parking safety is a major problem in French cities especially in Paris. In our video, we proposed a solution that Paris could employ to reduce this problem but there are also other companies that though about this problem and develop other solutions than the one proposed in the video.
The CycleSafe Company developed a new type of bike lockers and the most efficient and sustainable one is the bow locker. This solution provides long-term value for the customer and the cost of ownership is really low.
This bow allows customers to protect their bikes from theft, vandalism, and weather problems such as rain, snow, and wind. This bow has been created to encourage people to take their bike as an everyday way of transportation. The lifespan of this innovation is not just years but decades.

Additionally, more and more websites and journals are writing articles about how to park bikes safely in cities and give advice on which types of lock people should buy. Most advices are about how to lock your bikes, the best is to lock it to something permanent. Also, people should be careful not to block the sidewalk otherwise the bike could be removed by the police. Also, it’s better to park your bikes to where it can be easily seen by others, it will dissuade potential stealers. Finally, last advice is to buy the right lock.

In conclusion, bike parking safety starts to be considered by cities’ government as a priority issue. They want to encourage citizens to use their bike as an everyday transport mode and for that they want to increase parking station and cycling safety. However, there will still be issues about it but improvements are needed.