Video from group n° 028

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The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
Solar Panels for everyone is a project made by seven students of Skema with the idea to democratize the access to solar energy to the public in France. In this video we had defined the major benefits of the use of solar panel on a large scale and how we can improve the actual situation.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

We have all heard , especially in the actual context of the COP 21 conference, about global warming and its disastrous conséquences for our planet. Can we really continue to turn our heads away and prétend we don’t observe the devasting effects of the human activity . By not taking massive actions right now , we are putting at risk the planet we live in. In order to understand what is the problem we are trying to solde , let us define what is global warming. Global warming is the rise of température of earth’s average température due to the effects of greenhouse gases. This increase of greenhouse gases in our atmosphère is due to the emission of carbon dioxide from using fossil energies ( oil , coal … ) . Those gases produced by human activity have the effect of absorbing the radiations of the sun. This is called the Greenhouse effect. Consequently , due to the massive use of fossil energy in our society , we observe a gradual heating of Earth surface. Rise in temperature of Earth has resulted in melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low lying areas and rise in sea levels. Scientists project that temperatures may rise up to 9 degrees over the next century if nothing is done to change in our way of consuming energy. The issue is that we are consuming fossil fuels to produce energy , and that it engenders devastative effects for our planet today , and more serious for the next generations. They are non renewable sources of energy and they are depleting at a fast rate. Those fuels , such as coal or oil , are extracted to cover the world demand for energy , but are estimated to be finished in 30-40 years . Therefore we need to think about other solutions to produce energy , because those fuels are slowly depleting , and mostly because those sources of energy are endangering human health . Indeed , in addition to the fact that the production of fossil energy is increasing the palnet temperature , it is the origin of catastrophic effects on human health. Long term exposure to pollution can cause several environmental hazards , and can generate diseases such as ashtma , pulmonary disorders or even cancers. That is why the use of fossil fuels is outdated . We need to think about our health , and more essential about the planet we live in. We have to use the energies that are at our disposal : the renewable energies . Using those renewable sources such as solar or wind could provide substantial benefits for our climate and our health. They are associated with almost zero pollution emissions , and more essential They produce a vast and inexhaustible source of energy for our planet. Our planet is in danger . Are we willing to risk the environment that our children and future generations are going to inherit? Renewable energies are the solutions to this issue but we need to start acting now. It is time to wake up !!

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